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Pulse Canada’s Advocacy in Transportation, Sustainability and Trade

Pulse Canada’s government relations efforts remain focused on delivering ROI to members by making it easier for business to flow throughout the sector.

Greg Northey Vice President, Corporate Affairs

Aug. 15, 2024

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From January through to Parliament rising for its summer break in June, Pulse Canada was actively engaged in lobbying activities that focused on key priority areas to for the pulse sector. This included advancing files across the areas of transportation, regulatory improvements, sustainability, and international trade.

  • Flip the Switch

    One important initiative has been the relaunch of the "Flip the Switch" campaign, advocating for increased extended interswitching rights for Canadian shippers. Interswitching allows a shipper to access rail service from a competing railway if their facilities are within a certain distance from an interchange point. Under a current government pilot that distance is 160km. This gives shippers increased competition, reduced costs, and improved service. Pulse Canada and our allies are working to see this pilot made permanent, and the interswitching distance increased to 500km so that all farmers and elevators can benefit from this needed competition.

"Flip the Switch" is part of a broader effort to address logistical bottlenecks that have long hindered the efficiency of grain movement in Canada. Pulse growers export roughly 85% of their crops, making the sector dependent on a rail supply chain that must meet the growing expectations of our export customers.

By mobilizing stakeholders, engaging with policymakers, and raising public awareness, Pulse Canada aims to create a more competitive rail system that can better serve the agricultural community and deliver a better return right back through the pulse value chain to the farmgate.

Sustainability Agriculture Strategy

Pulse Canada has been at the table for the federal government’s consultations on its Sustainable Agriculture Strategy (SAS). This initiative, in the government’s words, “seeks to improve environmental performance in the sector, support farmers livelihoods and strengthen the business vitality of the Canadian agricultural industry.”

Pulse Canada’s involvement in the strategy has been important as we continue to advocate that any solutions should be market driven and not impose undue burdens on farmers. We have been advocating for a balanced approach that promotes the environmental stewardship that has been standard practice among pulse growers for decades while maintaining and growing the economic viability of the sector.

The SAS will soon be producing a document that will form a basis on which future government policy decision will be made. Pulse Canada staff will closely monitor and analyze this document and will share our findings directly with growers. After consultation with our membership, we will establish how best our organization can impact a positive outcome for pulse growers.

  • Indo-Pacific Agriculture and Agri-food Office

    An important achievement from Pulse Canada's advocacy was the opening of the Indo-Pacific Agriculture and Agri-food Office (IPAAO) in Manila, Philippines in February. This office is a critical development for enhancing trade relations between Canada and key markets in the Indo-Pacific region. Pulse Canada has been a driving force behind the establishment of this office, a culmination of several years of dedicated advocacy and strategic efforts with our allies.

    The opening of the office represented a significant milestone, but it is by no means ‘mission accomplished’. There is incredible potential for the growth of Canada’s pulse exports to the Indo-Pacific market, which is why we continue to promote trade policies that support market access and reduce trade barriers.

Pulse Canada’s government relations efforts remain focused on delivering ROI to members by making it easier for business to flow throughout the sector. No two issues are the same and, as a result, different approaches are taken to help advance issues that are most important to pulse growers and the value chain. We continue to engage with government officials, industry stakeholders, and international partners to further these initiatives through strategic lobbying and innovative collaborative efforts.

If there is an issue important to you that you’d like to hear more about, reach out to Jeff English at

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Pulse Canada is the national association of growers, traders and processors of Canadian pulses, also known as lentils, dry peas, beans and chickpeas. Pulses are an essential part of a healthy and sustainable diet. Pulses and pulse ingredients can help food manufacturers improve the nutritional and functional quality of food products.