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Request for Proposals: Industry Consultants for Pulse Starch and Flour Market

Pulse Canada is welcoming submissions for two different projects.

Aug. 20, 2021

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Industrial Consultant for Pulse Starch Market Development

Pulse Canada is contracting a consultant to lead outreach efforts responsible for increasing utilization of pea starch in industrial applications to align with the 25 by 2025 strategy. The ultimate goal of the contract will be to facilitate relationships and partnerships with Canadian processors and to drive new demand for starch.

Food Industry Consultant for Pulse Flour Market Development

NOTE: The deadline for submissions has been extended to September 10, 2021.

Pulse Canada is seeking a consultant to lead company outreach efforts responsible for driving incremental use of pulse flours in new and diversified markets to align with the 25 by 2025 strategy. The consultant will work within the identified priority regions and product categories to facilitate greater adoption of flours from pea, lentil and faba bean. The ultimate goal of the contract will be to drive new and support existing product development and product launches incorporating pulse flours.

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Pulse Canada is the national association of growers, traders and processors of Canadian pulses, also known as lentils, dry peas, beans and chickpeas. Pulses are an essential part of a healthy and sustainable diet. Pulses and pulse ingredients can help food manufacturers improve the nutritional and functional quality of food products.