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A Simple Solution With Tangible Results

The livestock sector is experiencing more pressure than ever to meet new sustainability targets.
See how Canadian peas can have a major impact on the carbon bottom line.

The Right Formula

Did you know feed accounts for over half of the carbon footprint of pork*?

The carbon reduction equation doesn't need to be complicated. Animal feed is a significant contributor to the total carbon footprint of livestock production, even accounting for the majority of the footprint of Canadian pork production.* Changing feed formulation is a cost-effective, simple solution that doesn't require an overhaul to the way you do business.

Pulse canada feed sustainability the right formula impact of feed

Incorporating peas into your feed can lower the carbon footprint of pork by up to 18%

Pulse canada the right formula 18 pork

*Groupe AGÉCO. 2018. Streamlined Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Canadian Pork Production.

Calculate Your Carbon Savings

See The Benefit

How can livestock and meat companies meet sustainability targets without major system changes? Learn how small changes in feed blends can have a big impact on the carbon footprint of feed and end products.

Use the slider to see how replacing up to 35% of your feed blend with Canadian peas can reduce your carbon footprint.

pig iconPork
egg iconEgg
Calculate your carbon savings if your pea inclusion rate is:
Number of finished pigs produced
LCA Cover

See how Canadian Peas Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint By Up To 18%

Download the Life Cycle Assessment

Book a meeting with a feed lead to learn more and receive customized support

Safe and Reliable

Canada is one of the largest suppliers of peas globally, producing an average of nearly 4 million tonnes every year across the prairie provinces. Canadian peas have been used in Western Canadian swine diets for decades as a protein and starch-rich ingredient.

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Peas have a nutrient-rich composition, high in protein, starch and fibre.

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Studies across livestock and aquaculture species have shown peas support normal animal development and quality.

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Peas have been used in Western Canada as a part of swine diets for over 20 years.

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Canada offers a steady supply of peas as one of the world's largest producers.

Pulsecanada canadian feed peas

Pea Feed Guide

Download the pea feed guide for a comprehensive technical overview of using peas in feed.

Pulsecanada canadian faba beans

Faba Bean Feed Guide

Faba beans are a great alternative to peas in livestock and aquaculture feed. Download the guide to learn more.